At the Musarium [14301 – 14400]

[14301 – 14400]

After the russet lamplight of hysteria
& freckled love-making, after
the diluted hemlock & vomiting,
after Leah advises Bianca about
her bodice & Bianca’s perfunctory “hi,”
after the valueless surveillance of Pollux
& Gretchen’s nuclear ultimatum,
after you overhear Singapore whoop
it up past creamy dawn & the able-
bodied spinster intercede, mightn’t you
prattle? mightn’t you swagger a bit?
mightn’t you wreck the enormity
of Josh’s virile Ionian cassock
with shears of illimitable hearsay?

Composed: 2-27-13
Published: The Citron Review. Jacqui Morton, ed. Fall 2013. Web.

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